The Fireplace Blog

Should You Get a Free-Standing Stove?

Fireplaces are a wonderful accent to any home both for their beauty and functionality. But if your home doesn’t have a built-in fireplace to begin with, installing one can be a costly and time consuming venture. Instand, a free-standing stove might be the best solution for you. Here’s why. Free-standing stoves A free-standing stove is…

Fireplace Inserts Will Help You Save On Heating Costs

No one wants to throw away money when it comes to heating their house. When you heat your home efficiently, it can make a huge difference in your monthly energy bills. Traditional fireplaces are notorious for pulling more heat out of your home than they can actually produce, but that’s not the case with fireplace…

Why You Might Want to Install Fireplace Doors

If you’re looking to install a custom fireplace, you should also start looking into fireplace doors. Not only do they contain fires and to add a stylish finish, they can also help regulate heat, and prevent rogue sparks. There are plenty more benefits you’ll see with fireplace doors. Here are just a few: They’ll make…

Fire Pit vs. Fireplace: Which Is Right for You?

An outdoor fireplace or fit pit can provide an enjoyable experience and enhance the ambiance of your space. However, both options are very different, so you’ll have to determine which is right for you. Here a few things you should keep in mind as you make your decision: Outdoor fireplace If you’re looking for a…

Advantages of Gas Fireplaces

A clean-burning gas fireplace from Energy House helps you set the mood. The dancing, flickering flight blends illumination with shadow and creates a lovely, ever-changing background that brings forth a sense of safety and warmth. That’s one of the great advantages of gas fireplaces – safety. There’s no spark, no smoke, and no soot –…

Tips for Wood Stove Safety

wood burning stove, wood stove, fireplace safety

Wood stoves are often a more efficient way to heat your home than traditional fireplaces. Many wood stoves can even provide warmth for more than one room. Yet, more than 4,000 residential fires each year are started by wood stoves. To keep your wood stove operating safely, consider these tips: Check with your local fire…

Wood or Gas Insert Fireplaces can Prevent an Expensive Fireplace Remodeling

If there are problems with your fireplace in any way, letting those issues go unresolved for too long can become a potential fire hazard. This is not to mention the fact that un serviced traditional fireplaces typically are a major source of energy loss. If you are considering a fireplace renovation, there are serious reasons…