Tag Archives: gas fireplace

Fireplace Installations: Which Questions You Should Ask

Purchasing a fireplace is not something you do every day, so it’s smart to consider all your options. Whether you are adding a fireplace to your existing home or having one installed in a newly constructed house, our experts suggest considering these important questions:

Preparing your Fireplace for Spring Season

Before planning to spend warm days outdoors, it is important for homeowners to prepare their fireplaces for the season change. The Energy House can recommend the proper fireplace maintenance to welcome the Spring Season, which will save you time and money, as well as help keep your family safe. The type of fireplace you own,…

How to Clean the Glass on Your Gas Fireplace

Did you know you that you should clean the glass of your gas fireplace at least twice a year? You will have an optimal performing gas fireplace by routinely cleaning the glass doors or window. This will ensure that your fireplace lasts for many years. You may notice a white-grey buildup or a film on…

Best Time For Purchasing A Gas Fireplace

Days are getting longer and nights are finally warmer. Spring is one of the best times to have a gas fireplace installed – before cold weather arrives and fireplace installers get busy. Whether you’re building your dream home or want to make your current home a little cozier, consider a gas fireplace. Create opportunities of gathering…

Outdoor Gas Fireplaces Can Make Your Summer Nights Hassle Free

When the weather turns chilly on those upcoming summer nights, the last thing you want to do after your BBQ is build another fire when all you really want to do is kick back and relax. Fortunately, outdoor gas fireplaces have become readily available and only require the simple flick of a switch to get it going.

Wood or Gas Insert Fireplaces can Prevent an Expensive Fireplace Remodeling

If there are problems with your fireplace in any way, letting those issues go unresolved for too long can become a potential fire hazard. This is not to mention the fact that un serviced traditional fireplaces typically are a major source of energy loss. If you are considering a fireplace renovation, there are serious reasons…