If your gas fireplace goes out frequently, you might be getting frustrated. If you’re not getting the most out of your gas fireplace, it’s time to figure out what the trouble is. Keep in mind that if you haven’t used your fireplace for a lengthy period of time, it may take some time for the…
Tag Archives: fireplace installation
Do you have an old wood-burning fireplace that is no longer looking or performing as it should? We’ve got a few suggestions to get it into the twenty-first century. We’ve compiled a list of our favorite ideas for updating your outdated fireplace with new flair and efficiency! Install a fireplace mantel This is a simple…
Ready to commit to installing a gas fireplace? Regardless of your interior design style, from traditional to contemporary, Energy House has a wide range of fireplace models and features that will reflect your personal style. Traditional Fireplaces Burning wood in a traditional fireplace has attracted people for millennia. Gas fireplaces offer what we love about…
If you’re looking for the warmth and style a traditional fireplace can offer, but aren’t sure if you’re ready for the commitment it requires, a pellet stove might be the perfect option for you! Here’s what you should know about these types of fireplaces and how they work. What is a pellet stove? A pellet…
Are you looking for a way to bring more people into your business and enhance its value? A commercial fireplace is one option many bars, restaurants, hotels, and more can benefit from. Here are some of the ways it can elevate yours as well: A focal point You want to capture your customers’ attention as…
If you’re looking to install a custom fireplace, you should also start looking into fireplace doors. Not only do they contain fires and to add a stylish finish, they can also help regulate heat, and prevent rogue sparks. There are plenty more benefits you’ll see with fireplace doors. Here are just a few: They’ll make…
An outdoor fireplace or fit pit can provide an enjoyable experience and enhance the ambiance of your space. However, both options are very different, so you’ll have to determine which is right for you. Here a few things you should keep in mind as you make your decision: Outdoor fireplace If you’re looking for a…
Days are getting longer and nights are finally warmer. Spring is one of the best times to have a gas fireplace installed – before cold weather arrives and fireplace installers get busy. Whether you’re building your dream home or want to make your current home a little cozier, consider a gas fireplace. Create opportunities of gathering…
Have you ever enjoyed the warmth and beauty of a crackling fire on a chilly evening? If so, you understand the many advantages of owning a fireplace. Fortunately, the pleasure of relaxing in front of a bright, cozy fire is no longer limited to the inside of your home. By installing an outdoor fireplace you…
Fireplaces are traditionally thought to burn wood, but there is now an alternative to this. Gas fireplaces have become common over the years. These fireplaces do not burn wood. Instead, they burn natural gas. This makes it possible for the fireplace to keep burning and burning, without you adding more fuel to the fire. Also,…